EU Project

Inquiry No. 1 / GCI / 2017 (November 29, 2017)

for the provision of the stand delivery service for testing a new type of detector as well as the calibration and calibration of manufactured training chromatographs in the form of a GC-FID-MS gas chromatograph under sub-measure 1.1.2. Startup Development in Eastern Poland

in connection with the implementation of the project under the sub-measure 1.1.2 “Development of Startups in Eastern Poland” and the first priority axis: “Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland” measure 1.1 “Startup Platforms for new ideas” of the Operational Program “Eastern Poland”, GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. invites you to submit an offer for the provision of a service consisting in the supply of a gas chromatograph equipped with an FID and MS detector.

CPV code: 38432210-7

CPV code name: Gas chromatographs

Download query (query 1)

Download offer form (form 1)

Information on the award of the contract (8.12.2017):

As a result of proceedings 1 / GCI / 2017, the contractor was selected: “SHIM-POL A.M. Borzymowski “E. Borzymowska-Reszka, A. Reszka General Partnership ul. Lubomirskiego 5 05-080 Izabelin

Date of receipt of the offer: 07.12.2017

Net price: PLN 203 500.00

Gross price: PLN 250 305.00

Inquiry No. 2 / GCI / 2017 (December 26, 2017)
for the employment of a research and development employee (civil law agreement) for the position of programmer / electronics under the project: “Training gas chromatograph and a new type of gas chromatography detector” implemented under the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020, activities 1.1 “Starting platforms for new ideas “, sub-measures: 1.1.2. “Development of startups in Eastern Poland”

in connection with the implementation of the project under the sub-measure 1.1.2 “Development of Startups in Eastern Poland” and the first priority axis: “Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland” measure 1.1 “Startup Platforms for new ideas” of the Operational Program “Eastern Poland”, GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. invites you to submit an offer for the employment of a research worker (civil law contract) for the position of programmer / electronics.

CPV code: 72000000-5

CPV code name: IT services: consulting, software development, internet and support

Download query (query 2)

Download offer form (form 2)

Declaration (declaration 2)

Information on the award of the contract (18/01/2018):

As a result of proceedings 2 / GCI / 2017, the contractor was selected: Mr Maciej Świniarski from Gdańsk

Date of receipt of the offer: 03.01.2018.

Gross price of the offer: PLN 89,000.00

Inquiry No. 2 / GCI / 2018 (13/04/2018)
for the provision of services in the form of advertising and information activities aimed at promoting the products of GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. on the laboratory market in the period April 2018 – November 2019 under the sub-measure 1.1.2 Startup Development in Eastern Poland

in connection with the implementation of the project under the sub-measure 1.1.2 “Development of Startups in Eastern Poland” and the first priority axis: “Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland” measure 1.1 “Startup Platforms for new ideas” of the Operational Program “Eastern Poland”, GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. invites you to submit an offer for the provision of a service consisting in carrying out advertising and information activities aimed at promoting the products of GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. on the laboratory market in the period April 2018 – November 2019

CPV code: 79340000-9

CPV code name: Advertising and marketing services

Download query (query 3)

Download the offer form (form 3)

Answers to questions submitted within the deadline of 18.04.2018 by 15:00 for download

The offer should be submitted:

– until April 23, 2018 (offers submitted after this date will not be considered);

– via email at: and by post / courier to GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. Ul. Stanisława Sulimy 1, 82-300 Elbląg in the title of the message / with an annotation: “Offer to the inquiry 2 / GCI / 2018”

The minimum offer validity period should be 30 days.

Results of procedure No. 2 / GCI / 2018:

Selected artist:
Name and address, date of receipt of the offer and its price
Selmax S.C. Paweł Seredziński Justyna Kuśmierczyk
Ul. Witomińska 46,
81-311 Gdynia
The date of receipt of the offer: 23.04.2018 hours. 12:08
Net price: PLN 78,000.00
Gross price: PLN 95 940.00

Full list of entities
1.Selmax S.C. Paweł Seredziński Justyna Kuśmierczyk
Ul. Witomińska 46,
81-311 Gdynia
Date of receipt: 23.04.2018 at 12:08
Net price: PLN 78,000.00
Gross price: PLN 95,940.00

2. Expansja Advertising Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Kordeckiego 47
60-144 Poznań
Date of receipt: 23.04.2018 at 15:49
Net price: PLN 138,000.00
Gross price: 169 740.00 PLN

3.2mgroup S.C.
Beata Domagalska – managing partner
Katarzyna Szulc – managing partner
Al. Wins 239/12
81-525 Gdynia
Date of receipt: 23.04.2018 at 16:07
Net price: PLN 96,968.00
Gross price: 118 938.54 PLN

Inquiry No. 3 / GCI / 2018 (13.04.2018)
for the supply of training gas chromatograph elements: housing, heated column furnace, and electronic-mechanical components (permanently installed in the prototype) under sub-measure 1.1.2. Startup Development in Eastern Poland

in connection with the implementation of the project under the sub-measure 1.1.2 “Development of Startups in Eastern Poland” and the first priority axis: “Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland” measure 1.1 “Startup Platforms for new ideas” of the Operational Program “Eastern Poland”, GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. invites you to submit an offer for the provision of the service of gas chromatograph training elements.

CPV code: 38432210-7

CPV code name: Gas chromatographs

Download query (query 4)

Download the offer form (form 4)

The offer should be submitted:
– until April 23, 2018 (offers submitted after this date will not be considered);
– via email at: and by post / courier to GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. Ul. Stanisława Sulimy 1, 82-300 Elbląg in the title of the message / with an annotation: “Offer to the inquiry 3 / GCI / 2018”
The minimum offer validity period should be 30 days.

Results of procedure No. 3 / GCI / 2018:

Selected contractor
TKmatik Karol Kiełbiński
ul. Filomatów 2
80-124 Gdańsk
The date of receipt of the offer: 20.04.2018. h. 12:22
Net price of the offer: PLN 55,000.00
Gross price of the offer: PLN 67,650.00

Full list of entities:

TKmatik Karol Kiełbiński

ul. Filomatów 2
80-124 Gdańsk
The date of receipt of the offer: 20.04.2018. h. 12:22
Net price of the offer: PLN 55,000.00
Gross price of the offer: PLN 67,650.00

Inquiry No. 4 / GCI / 2018 (23.07.2018)
for the employment of a research and development employee for the position of analytical equipment designer under the project: “Training gas chromatograph and a new type of gas chromatography detector” implemented under the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020, activities 1.1 “Starting platforms for new ideas”, sub-action: 1.1.2. “Development of startups in Eastern Poland”. Contract no. For co-financing: UDA-POPW.01.01.02-28-0018 / 17-00.

CPV code: 73120000-9

CPV code name: Experimental development services

Download query (query 5)

Download offer form (form 5)

Download the form of declaration of no affiliation (statement 3)

The offer should be submitted:
– until 30.07.2018 (offers submitted after this date will not be considered);
– via email at: or by post / courier to:
GC Instruments Sp. z o.o. Ul. Stanisława Sulimy 1, 82-300 Elbląg in the title of the message / with an annotation: “Offer to the inquiry 4 / GCI / 2018”
The minimum offer validity period should be 30 days.

Selected contractor:

Mr. Mariusz Majerowski from Reda
date of receipt of the offer: 30 July 2018.
Offer price: PLN 34,400.00


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